Let's Send Kids to Camp

Let's Send Kids to Camp

We're raising money to send kids to summer camp. By giving these kids the opportunity to attend summer camp, we're changing their lives for the better. Camp provides them with the opportunity to experience new things, develop skills, learn about trust, leadership, and teamwork, build strong friendships, foster self confidence, and most importantly, we will be giving them the opportunity to realize their full potential. 

Vancouver Island

Vancouver Island

I'm pretty lucky in that I get to travel a decent amount for work. Earlier this week I was in Victoria, British Columbia for a work event. While work travel can throw a wrench into your workout routine, I completely take advantage of it. I see it as an opportunity to explore. Read more about my weekend on vancouver Island in which I ran over 50km, including an 8km Trail Race.

The Until Project

This is something that I’m really excited about. Let me begin by introducing you to my buddy Craig. Craig is an insanely talented dude. He’s the kind of guy who can get you excited about anything. Craig could call me up and say “Hey dude, you wanna go watch paint dry?” and I’d probably do it. He’s creative, energetic, and always positive. He’s an ideas guy - but the kind of ideas guy that has a plan, and knows how to execute it. Craig always pulls through and gives 110%. That’s what I love about Craig. He gets shit done.

Welcoming Winter

Welcoming Winter

It was nice while it lasted. After an uncharacteristically mild December, we finally got hit with with a classic Canadian storm. Snow, wind, ice. The first four weeks of my training have been fantastic. Not only do I feel great physically and mentally, but the weather has been very accommodating. Running in shorts with no toque in December is a real treat. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end.

Stadium Stairs

Stadium Stairs

Over the weekend, I wrapped up week 2 of my training with a 13km “long run”. I say that in quotes because 13 kilometres isn’t all that far. But you’ve gotta start somewhere and build your way up. Sometimes it’s hard to hold back. It’s hard to go slower, or shorter distances. I know that sounds crazy, but other runners out there will get what I mean.

Road to Boston

Road to Boston

Just over three years ago, Katie and I ran our first half marathon. We signed up with some friends for fun, but little did I know that I was about to be captured by a sport that would take me on such an incredible journey over the next three years. Mere hours after completing that firfacebost half marathon, I made a leap that I never thought I would - I signed up for the 2013 Ottawa Marathon. 42 kilometres. That’s crazy, right?

1:25:45 Half Marathon

1:25:45 Half Marathon

Today I ran a personal best half marathon. For the past two years, my running life has revolved around one goal: qualifying for the Boston Marathon. After running a sub 3 hour marathon in Toronto last fall, I finally had the time I needed to apply to Boston for 2016. The weight that I had held on my own shoulders was gone. I finally allowed myself to relax, and spend more time on the other important stuff in my life - like playing volleyball with friends, spending more time with Katie and the dog, planning our upcoming wedding, and sleeping in on weekends.